My Pass10n

html php java source code
Creative Commons License Markus Spiske via Compfight


               (1=i and 0=o)      1 really l1ke t0 c0de. 1t 1s just awes0me. The reas0n 1 put 0nes and zer0sBinary code 1n my typ1ng 1s because that 1s actually a type 0f c0de. 1t 1s called b1nary. 1t l1terally 1s just a bunch 0f zer0s and 0nes. B1nary 1s the bas1s of all c0de. Th1nk 0f 1t l1ke the c0de 0f the c0de. They als0 represent 0ther numbers. The zer0s and 0nes, 1 mean.  Christiaan Colen via Compfight


Node.js Logo               T0 be h0nest, 1’m pretty bad at c0de. 0kay a l0t bad. W1th pract1ce 1 kn0w 1 can get better th0ugh! The 0nly language 0f c0de 1 kn0w 1s Scratch, wh1ch 1sn’t even 0ff1c1ally a language. 1 kn0w a l1ttle b1t 0f JavaScript. My f1rst 0ff1c1al language! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Anyways the ones 1 want t0 learn m0re 0f 0r learn that are c0mpletely new are CSS, HTML, JavaScript, 0r Java. Christopher Hiller via Compfight

(PS: If y0u want t0 see more c0de 0r 0ther stuff l1ke that check 0ut my fr1end Nico’s blog! He 1s fluent 1n f0ur d1fferent languages and a l0t better than me at c0de.)


4 comments on “My Pass10nAdd yours →

  1. How much effort do you have to put in because I am usually just going to cheat eventually when coding, how do you have the inspiration to keep coding?

    1. It takes a lot of effort to code. I usually just use Scratch, which is a coding website where you can just make games and share them. When you become someone in Google or some other big coding company that makes games, such as Bungie who made Destiny and Destiny 2, you use Javascript, which doesn’t quide you at all. Just one letter off messes up the whole thing. Also, I don’t know where I get my inspiration from, I guess I just really like to code.

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